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By supporting our self-advocates, you become an advocate, too — for equality, inclusion, and the right to be treated with respect and dignity.

Advocacy & Community— that’s what The Arc Eastern Connecticut’s Community Life & Advocacy program is all about. This year especially, your help is critical. Support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities goes far beyond medical and social services. Your gift allows us to help people with IDD find a voice, make independent choices, and keep connected to our community.

For someone with IDD, self-advocacy means being fully involved in life decisions, from choosing where to live to managing healthcare to deciding whom to socialize with. Trudy’s been part of The Arc’s Self-Advocacy group for two years. “I’ve learned to speak up for myself, and not let people bully me. The group’s given me a lot more self-confidence. I finally feel like I’m in control.  And I’d really love to go with the group to the Capitol and testify . . . I’m still a little nervous, though!”

Your support changes lives . . .

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"I knew the perfect way to help."

Debbie leads a group of Volunteer Corps members through Waterford’s Veterans’ Park, where they spend a Saturday picking up trash, raking, and cleaning benches and walkways. 

“My Dad’s a veteran,” Debbie says proudly. When her program coordinator asked for suggestions for Memorial Day volunteer activities, she didn’t hesitate. “We needed to clean the park!” Debbie made all the arrangements with the Town herself.

Waterford’s First Selectman Rob Brule couldn’t be happier. “The Volunteer Corps is great. I love their commitment—they really made a difference. 

Programs like The Arc’s Volunteer Corps, a component of Community Life & Advocacy, are unique to the region. YOUR generosity keeps them going!

Become a monthly subscriber!

Better than Netflix, cheaper than Amazon—and the rewards are heartwarming! Subscribers are featured on social media
and receive special gifts throughout the year.


Double your impact!
Your gift allows people with IDD to contribute within our community. 

Chances are, you know someone we support. 

People with IDD are employed in our community, thanks to programs like ours. Folks volunteer at road races, fairs, and town cleanups. They advocate at the State Capitol and testify before legislators on issues affecting people with disabilities. Your partnership maintains these vital community connections for the nearly 1,000 people we support each year.

How YOU can make a difference NOW

  • $35 covers 2 months of transportation for a 
           participant Volunteer. 


  • $100 allows 20 self-advocates to attend the national 
             Disability Conference


  • $500 allows someone with IDD to live independently in 
             their home through assistive  technology:
             remote  monitoring and medication support,
             appliance  shutoffs,  telehealth, etc.

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