"In Partnership for Full Equality"
To partner with people living with intellectual and developmental disability for EQUAL participation and inclusion in the communities of eastern Connecticut.

The Arc Eastern Connecticut will be eastern Connecticut’s leader in partnering and advocating for equality of opportunity and equality of choice.
Operating Principles
1. Civil Rights: We partner with people living with disability to promote their voice and champion their perspective.
2. Community: We facilitate the development of natural relationships to connect people with their communities.
3. Innovation: We continuously break new ground in providing a menu of service options and improve how we operate our organization, to bring about meaningful change for the future.
4. Family: We encourage and facilitate family education and engagement as fundamental to helping people living with disability achieve positive outcomes.
Leadership: We model choice in everything we do.
5. Change: We will change our community by modeling and raising awareness of our mission.
Our Values
1. Person-centered: We respect and respond to individual choices as the guiding force in the lives of people living with intellectual and developmental disability.
2. Dedication: Organizationally and individually we are dedicated to people living with disability who place their trust in us to provide quality individualized, self-directed supports.
3. Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in how we treat people living with disability and in how we operate our organization.
4. Stewardship: We are fully committed to protecting and maximizing the return on the resources available to us and to embracing the highest standards of accountability.