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Monday, March 23, 2020

From Kathleen Stauffer,

CEO of The Arc Eastern Connecticut


Hi Everyone,

I hope you are staying healthy, washing your hands, staying calm and living smart! Social distancing and hand-washing work, and your safety is of the utmost importance!

SOME GOOD NEWS. The Arc ECT will be calling some Direct Support Professionals back to work to augment current services and to maintain day supports by phone and remotely. We will be reaching out to people individually in the next several days and weeks.

Here’s our latest COVID-19 update from The Arc ECT and around the state, as of 5 p.m., Sunday, March 22, 2020 . . . 

 Around the State:

  • Total positive cases in CT: 327

  • All non-essential workers statewide are being directed to work from home, effective Monday, March 23 at 8:00 p.m.

  • Restaurants are limited to take-out only.

  • All non-essential workers statewide are being directed to work from home, effective Monday, March 23 at 8:00 p.m.

  • Drive-through testing has been approved at many CT hospitals—CALL your doctor before you go!

  • Distance learning plans are being developed by the Department of Education for school children

  • For comprehensive answers to how the pandemic is affecting Connecticut, go to


Here at The Arc ECT:

Our residential programs are fully functional and as always are operating with staff 24/7. Any team members of The Arc ECT from other programs who have the appropriate trainings/certifications are welcome to apply for residential positions in this interim period. Contact And, again, we will be re-creating day service options with a lot of creativity and technological support. In doing so, some DSPs will be recalled and soon will be serving people in Day Programs once more!


Interesting COVID fact:

More than 100,000 people around the world have recovered from COVID-19 so far, out of 351,000 confirmed cases of the disease. The pathogen can live in the respiratory tract for 37 days, however, so it’s important to continuously follow the CDC’s health guidelines for staying safe and protecting others.


Did you know . . .

You can virtually tour many national parks from your couch?

Try it! Go on Google Earth and tour the Arches national monument.

Stay safe everyone! We’ll post another update soon.

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To Our Participants, Families and Community Partners,


At this time, The Arc Eastern Connecticut offices, group homes, and program sites are closed to visitors per executive order of Governor Ned Lamont.  We have realigned our DAY PROGRAMS and IN-HOME SUPPORT SERVICES (IHS) to offer as much remote and on-line support as possible.

We will continue to provide updates on our social media channels and website
as we monitor the unprecedented situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. 
For the most up-to-date government advisories on COVID-19, go to the CDC website at


Food Pantry THANK YOU!

The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Foxwoods Resort and Casino recently donated over 22,000 pounds of food to the Gemma E. Moran Food Bank. 


This donation will generate over 18,350 meals for families in need.  If you or someone you know needs assistance during this time, the Connecticut Food Bank Mobile Pantry is a resource.  

The Arc Eastern Connecticut, established by two groups of families in 1952, provides advocacy and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the entire region. Our services touch every aspect of a person's life: housing, employment/job development, vocational/micro-enterprise ventures, education, day programs, in-home supports, Senior services, health/fitness activities, and community involvement.

In Partnership Logo ECT color

The Arc Eastern Connecticut

125 Sachem Street

Norwich, Connecticut 06360

T: 860.889.4435

F: 860.889.4662



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